Monday, March 2, 2015

Writing Review Week

After 7 weeks, we've all written quite a bit, both for our Storybooks/Portfolios or just for the storytelling of each week in general. It hasn't been the easiest for me to keep up with everything on top of all my other classes, but I'm working my hardest on it for the most part!

I'd say my best writing so far was the first part of my storybook. I had the source material and info on Virgil and all that good stuff, but creating a new storyline for something so set in stone like Dante's Inferno was pretty difficult.

My biggest challenge that I face as a writer is switching between the different writing styles I work with on an every day basis. For this class, I use AP Style, but add so much more content. In most of my other classes, I have to use AP Style, but I have a time limit for each script that I write, meaning I have to write a coherent story that fits within ~40 seconds (sometimes ~1:30, depending on the format). So switching between concise and lower reading level stories and fancier works like with my storybook has been a bit of a challenge.

The journalist's most important resource, AP Stylebook

I don't really have any particular strategies for how to write a story, I kind of just make stuff up on the fly. I do usually like to have an ending in mind, mainly because I feel like it's easier to write up to a conclusion, rather than writing nonsense that kinda just ends. 

Also, I've enjoyed the ability to write in different levels of seriousness, if that makes sense. What I mean is that I like writing serious stories with serious characters and endings, but it's also a nice change of pace to be able to write goofy or sarcastic stories as well. 

Welp, I think that's about all I have to say about the writing so far!

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