Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Reading Diary B: Alaskan Legends

So continuing with the Alaskan Legends unit, here are my thoughts on a few stories.

The Origin of Winds is an Eskimo legend from the Lower Yukon. To keep the summary short, a doll that a man and his wife made adventured to the edge of the world where the sky and the earth meet. The sky is a wall according to this story, and the doll found a hole in the "sky wall" and cut a bigger hole with his knife. He told the East Wind to blow through the whole sometimes a lot, sometimes a little, and sometimes not at all. He repeated this 4 more times with the west, southwest, south, and northwest. And then he returned to his village.

And finally, to keep the topic of origins going, I read The Boy in the Moon. A boy falls in love with his friend's sister. One day the girl climbed a ladder to the sky. The boy saw her after being yelled at by his brothers (I'm not sure if this kid is in love with his sister or is in a different family entirely), and chased after her. She floated away, and the girl became the sun and the boy became the moon. The sun and moon are in opposite sides at all times because no matter how much the boy pursues her, he can never catch up to her (the sun).

They're never together.

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