Monday, March 2, 2015

Commenting Review Week

This is my favorite part of the class, honestly. I love reading people's comments on whether or not they enjoyed my writing! I think all people that enjoy writing look forward to feedback, whether it's good or not, because it makes us better writers. 

I think I look forward to your (Laura's) comments the most on storybook posts. Does it suck to have so many mistakes pointed out? Kind of, yeah lol. But in the end it is all so we put forth the best content we can that's both interesting and engaging, and informative. It's a nice change of pace from traditional classes where if you get something wrong, it's just WRONG. With this class, we get the opportunity to improve on stuff. I think that's awesome. 

Sometimes, this is how I'm feeling reading comments.
Source: reactiongifsarchive

The commenting that helps us connect the most to each other is the introduction comments. It's nice to see if people share the same interests, or have been to similar places. It's a great way to connect with otherwise anonymous people (anonymous meaning you don't know who they are in real life). 

1 comment:

  1. For this commenting review post, I found myself realizing how often I skip over people’s comments. I started reading a few to prepare myself for this assignment and realized I was missed a lot of good advice. So I commend you for enjoying reading classmate’s stories and giving them helpful feedback! I hope you can read one of my stories down the road.
