Monday, April 20, 2015

Reading Diary A: Czech Folktales

For the last week of this class before we do review stuff, I chose to do the Czech Folktales unit, mainly because I have Czech bloodlines in my family. My grandma actually used to make us Czech noodles from scratch, I wish I knew how to make them 'cause they were so good.

The main story I'm going to focus on is The Three Roses. Basically, a woman has three daughters. She is going to the market another town over. So she asks the girls if they want anything, and two of them demand a bunch of stuff. More than is probably reasonable. Then the third daughter says she only wants three roses. The mother obliges, and goes to buy all the stuff. She straps it on her back and starts to head home. Along the way, she gets exhausted and loses her way. Eventually she goes to a palace that has a beautiful rose garden. She forgot the roses! She takes three of them, and a basilisk shows up demanding her daughter in return for the stolen flowers. She gets scared and sends the third daughter to the castle.

Every day, she has to nurse the basilisk for three hours. He did this for three days, and on the third brings a sword and tells the girl to cut his head off. So she does it twice. He grows into a prince, and says because she delivered him from his serpent body, he must marry her. They have a big wedding, and lots of people show up to celebrate. The story ends abruptly the next paragraph with, "but the floor was of paper, so I fell through it, and here I am now." This was particularly odd because none of the other stories ended this way. That was pretty odd!

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