Sunday, April 19, 2015

Famous Last Words Week 13

Well, this week has been interesting. I got my reading diaries all done on Monday night, which is something I haven't done at all this semester. I definitely should have, it was nice not having to worry about it on a Tuesday or Thursday night at 10 o'clock. I've gotten behind on my project multiple times, but I'm gonna try to get it all done this week.

My other classes are going pretty well. I'm kind of banking on a curve in microeconomics, but who knows if we'll actually get one!

I got advised on Wednesday, and it's kind of setting in that I'm almost done here at OU. I mean, I have 16 hours in my major left, plus a minor, so only 2 semesters left. I'm not entirely sure I'm ready to be out in the real world yet, but at the same time, I'm ready to be done with school. After 17 years of schooling (gonna be 18 by the time I'm done), I've had about enough. I'm also kind of bummed this is my last season of OU football!

My girlfriend and I just recently started a show called Death Note on Netflix. I was never a big fan of anime shows, minus Pokemon of course, but she showed me another series called Samurai Champloo during the summer and I loved it! Death Note involves Japanese gods of death called shinigami, and how one kid has their powers with a journal called the death note. If you're a fan of anime, I'd suggest checking it out!

This picture is of the main character, Light Yagami, and his shinigami, Ryuk. 

There are only two weeks left of school, and they couldn't be over soon enough. I'm ready to move back home for the summer, get a dog (hopefully a Blue Lacy, the state dog of Texas), and get ready for my last year of school. That's about all I have to say!

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate to your comment about getting your reading diaries done before the due date and the relief that comes with doing that. It is a great feeling to know that you don't have that looming over your head. I have also gotten behind too and that is the worst feeling in the world. Playing the catch up game is no fun at all.
    As for Anime...well, I'm not that much of a fan. On the other hand, my son is totally into Anime and has probably even seen the show you mentioned. I would bet money on that. I am quite familiar with Pokemon and Digimon though, so I can at least relate to those shows.
    Oh, I can tell that senioritis is settling in according to your post. I can totally relate to that as well. I only have 3 classes left before I graduate. Good luck to you with the rest of this class and the rest of your classes next year.
    I hope you have a wonderful summer and are able to get the dog you've alway wanted. I've never heard of that breed of dog, but I'm sure they are very nice dogs to have. I'm definitely more of a cat person and that's probably why I've never heard of that type of dog. Take care!
