Thursday, January 15, 2015

Storybook Favorites -- Dante, Cherokee and Persephone

As I was scrolling through the reading list, there were a few that caught my attention right away.

The first was "Justice Al Dante," a story from the first person perspective in a courtroom in the 3rd Circle of Hell.

The Circles of Hell, according to Dante. 
Theories of what Hell actually is have always intrigued me, mostly because there are so many different interpretations. Dante's Inferno is obviously one of the most descriptive (and popular, for good reason) depictions of Hell in circulation today. After reading the intro and looking at the design, this project is extremely well-done. The handwriting-esque font gives it a great feel of someone's personal experiences, and the colors are very subdued and not in-your-face. 

The end of the introduction really makes you want to keep reading to figure out what happens next. 

The second one that caught my eye was "Cherokee Campfire," which was set to be sitting around a campfire as a Cherokee man tells you stories. The use of the phrase "Unega Asgaya" (which means white man in Cherokee) really gives it an authentic feel of sitting around a fire talking to a Cherokee man. The lettering is similar to the Cherokee letters of their syllabary because it's kind of swoopy and intricate. I spent the last three semesters taking Cherokee as my foreign language, so that definitely played a part in my interest in this project. 

The Cherokee syllabary has letters assigned to different syllables instead of individual letters.

The third project I looked through was "Fantastically Tragic Deaths in Greek Mythology." It focuses on Hades' wife, Persephone. She was a big part of Greek culture in that she brought the seasons and took them when she left for the underworld; she controlled the summer and winter. She also saw the most death out of probably anyone besides Hades himself, so the opportunity for first-person accounts of famous myths was definitely there. 

The design of the project was lacking in my opinion, as only a basic template and font were used. The colors were bland as well. It could've been a pretty awesome project I think if the design had been as good as the content. 

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