Sunday, January 18, 2015

Famous Last Words Week 1

Man, what a week it's been! This class was a bit more writing than I expected, but Laura's enthusiasm definitely makes the assignments more worth doing. I'm looking forward to being able to choose what topics I'm interested in each week instead of a hard set schedule of what we HAVE to learn. 

Outside of school, it was a busy week for me! On Wednesday night, I went to the Eric Church concert at Chesapeake Arena. My girlfriend's brother-in-law and sister got tickets in the pit on the floor in front of the stage, and let me just say Eric Church puts on one hell of a show. 

I took this picture and was only 2X zoomed in if I remember correctly! Our seats (or standing area) were pretty fantastic. 

Last night, we ventured up to Stillwater to see Josh Abbott at Tumbleweed. Our night started off a little sour, mostly because Tumbleweed only serves beer, and only accepts cash, things n oone mentioned to us until we had already stood in line for twenty minutes! After seeing Josh Abbott at the famous Billy Bob's in Ft. Worth (which has multiple, full-service bars), it was a bit of a surprise, and not in a good way. He puts on a great show, so it all worked out in the end. 

For the rest of the semester I'll probably start working ahead more, that seems like a good way to manage the time that it takes to do the assignments each week! This weekend was a great way to start the year off, as it turned into a five day weekend for me due to not having class on Tuesdays. I look forward to the assignments in store the following weeks!


  1. While country music isn’t my favorite genre, I love concerts! Sometime I wonder if they are worth my money because they only last for a short amount of time and seem fleeting, but in the end, they make me great memories! I’ve been to Austin City Limits for the past two years, and one of the best parts is learning about new bands. Your spontaneity is superb though!

  2. I don't go to many concerts anymore due to family life, but it sounds like you have a great weekend. I'm not that much into country music, but if the artist can put on a good show I'm sure it was well worth the money spent. It also sounds like you had great seats and the picture was crystal clear. It looks like the singers were having a good time too. I agree with your original thoughts that this was going to take a lot of time and be a lot of writing, but it turns out it really isn't. Like you said, if we work ahead, it's not so bad.
